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Take your event to the next level with an ecstatic dance!

Private Retreats

Are you a retreat host? Make your retreat extra special & add a Mariposa Movement experience to your retreat schedule!

Book Aliza for a private ecstatic dance, movement class or specialized workshop tailored to the theme of your retreat.

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Take your wedding celebration to the next level with a  wielding the decks as your DJ!

With over a decade of experience, Aliza's ritual spaceholding brings a unique depth & intentionality to the party. 

Image by Eduardo Barrios

Birthday Parties

Bring on the good vibes! Hire Aliza to DJ your birthday celebration for all ages and stages of life.

Make your event one to remember with dancing and professional DJing.

Get in Touch
Image by Wout Vanacker


Access a FREE 20-minute Guided Dance Journey plus Aliza's top dance tracks (twice monthly)

Dance with you soon!


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